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Alex Jones Show

Steve Bannon Says Grassroots Activism Will Save Us

"We need to get back to the basics of organizing and mobilizing people," Bannon says.

"The only way we're going to win is if we do it together."

In a recent interview, former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon said that he believes grassroots activism is the key to saving the country. "We need to get back to the basics of organizing and mobilizing people," Bannon said. "The only way we're going to win is if we do it together."

Bannon pointed to the recent victory of the Tea Party movement as an example of what can be accomplished when people come together to fight for what they believe in. "The Tea Party started with a small group of people who were fed up with the government," Bannon said. "They didn't have any money or power, but they had a message that resonated with people. And they were able to turn that message into a movement that changed the course of American politics."

Bannon believes that the same thing can be done today. "There are a lot of people who are fed up with the status quo," Bannon said. "They're looking for a way to make a difference. And I believe that grassroots activism is the answer."

Bannon is urging people to get involved in their communities and to support organizations that are working to make a difference. "We need to build a movement of people who are willing to fight for what they believe in," Bannon said. "And we need to do it now."
